Monday, March 15, 2010

Our cat Tabitha

Here are some photos of our cat Tabitha, and the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey says. After we got her a few weeks ago, she became deathly sick. She stopped eating, drinking and moving. Louise took her to a vet, who said she had feline distemper, and would probably not make it ("but there's always hope").

Thanks for those who knew and prayed! After two days of constant sleep, she gradually began to eat and drink and strengthen. After several more days, she was totally back to normal.

We named her Tabitha after the woman in Acts who was raised from the
dead. Also, she is a tabby cat, and you
can call her "Tab" for short. She has
energy and personality ("cuteness to
women") in abundance. Feel free to
come by some time to see her while
she is so young and playful.

Someone said she is the most
prayed for cat in Manalapan!


  1. Awwww. She's adorable! I knew you'd become a cat person someday!


  2. What a beautiful kitty! I'm glad she made it and hope she stays healthy. In spite of wanting a cat, we chose a bunny for the boys a few years ago and we almost "lost" him. When our furnace died in January, we took care of us with extra blankets but totally forgot about Waffles! A chill set in and he caught the sniffles which is deadly to rabbits. That was when I decided to tell him about Jesus! and praise God, he recovered! We also used a vaporiser and heating pad (but I know that it was the prayers.)
