Friday, April 5, 2013

Uncle Tom's Cabin

I have been trying to read some classics lately, and just finished "Uncle Tom's Cabin".  This book is truly great in that it was written by a strong Christian with a very strong Christian message and goal, at a time when almost the whole audience of Americans saw themselves as Christians.  It also had a huge impact in ending slavery by showing how it worked in daily life.  What touched me most, though, was how the slaves, especially Tom, dealt with suffering as Christians.  Their comments are moving and timeless.

This is a great book for you to read some time.

Easter attendance

Several people have asked me how many people were here on Easter Sunday, seeing the large crowd spread over three services.  Our total was 1151, a new record for a Sunday morning.  God has really been blessing the church lately, with many new faces from all over.  I attribute much of this to our 21 days of prayer and fasting starting the year.  God spoke to me a few years ago that the church would one day have 2500 people in attendance, but I am not sure when.  But there are many others who need Christ in the area, keep praying and working.  We may need the next phase of the building plan sooner than we thought.