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This great photo is from the big Meijer garden. This is a replica of a 24' foot horse, the model of which was made by DaVinci, but never cast as he planned (his original model was used by the French for target practice when they captured his city).
As you can see, this horse can get pretty aggressive and tries to stomp people. Only by luck and speed was I able to escape being stomped.
Last weekend we went to see Christina in Grand Rapids. It is a beautiful city, nothing like the Detroit and Michigan I imagined (it is 150 miles away from Detroit, and residents always say they live in "western Michigan").
The top attraction was the Gerald Ford Museum. He was from Grand Rapids. It was outstanding, a real time capsule of his few years as President. A few facts about Ford: 1. He is the only President who was never elected as President or Vice-President. 2. His original name was not Ford, as his mother was divorced when he was very young, and her husband adopted him, and gave him his name Ford. 3. The big issue of his day was whether to pardon Nixon and draft dodgers from Vietnam (he pardoned both). 4. The Bible verse of Proverbs 3:5-6 was a key comfort to him. 5. His ultimate goal in life was to become minority leader of the House, which he became. But to everyone's surprise, he went from there to Vice-President and President.
Yesterday we rescued our family cat. Before dinner she was outside on a leash, and got free. When I got home, Louise was frantically looking for her all over our property and nearby, but she was nowhere to be found. After searching for half an hour, a severe rainstorm began, and we went inside to eat dinner, planning to go back hunting when it slowed down.
After dinner we began the hunt again. Finally Louise found her under a huge thicket in woods on our property. But it is almost impossible to get in there, and then the storm restarted, this time with torrential rain and lightning nearby. We went in the house for cover.
After more time, we went out to the thicket. The cat was terrified and wet, and would not come. We circled around it, and after many mosquito bites, were able to grab the cat.