Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mountain climbing dream

Here's a dream from early Sunday morning that I think was prophetic.  I was climbing a huge mountain with another local pastor I have not seen in several years.  We reached the top, and spread out below it was a beautiful long valley half full of bright gold mixed with dirt.  Past that valley were several others, also full of gold and dirt.  Somehow I felt that since we had discovered this, the valley contents belonged to us.

What does it mean?  Someone said that the gold represents souls.  I like that better than real gold, which is not bad either! In any case, it is a good dream.

Any thoughts on what this means?


  1. I think it means that God is going to use you to separate souls for Christ.

  2. I confirmation of what is ahead of you. Get ready for the harvest of souls.

  3. I agree with the above. Alternatively it could mean that you have accomplished something already in your life or spiritual walk. The valley of mixed dirt and gold could alternatively mean parts of yourself in your spirit that are well developed thus far and others that are not yet completed. Or souls that are reached and unreached. Areas that you have an opportunity to witness in to the general population. I have a dream of my own I have been working on dissecting for a while.

  4. Tell me your dream, I would love to hear it.


  5. I had a dream where I was walking down a lighted hallway and the walls were see through or glass. The floor was glass or see through and I could see Jesus walking underneath. And I followed him. To my right I could see what were like classrooms with people in them. Some people were modern looking and others looked like they were fm different eras. Closer to the era of Jesus. And these people wee discussing him as to whether he was the messiah or not. I could see into these rooms but was separated from them.

  6. When I got to the end of the hallway I could see Jesus on the other side of the glass. I was still separated but was face to face and he told me in a sort of matter or fact way " I know what you were thinking there ( points to where I had been standing) and what you are thinking here( points to where I am standing) " we continued looking at each other and I could feel myself trembling. Not really afraid but just taken back by his holiness. Like he was telling me hey you and I both know that it's really me and not just a dream. His countenance was very calm, pleasant, and kind. Not judgemental
    Or anything. In my waking life after that dream over the past few months there have been a few trying circumstances. And I feel as though he was giving me something to hold on to. As a witnessing tool.

    Dear Brother
    We have not spoken for a long time and that's OK in light of eternity, we were brothers and in good standing a moment ago and what is just another moment we will be with HIM and we can sort stuff out then.

    However for now I guess we wait for the next??? and hope that it wasn't done in vain. But I believe Anything we do and acknowledge the Lord, its not in vanity.

    I don't want to be over spiritual here, I just want to be obedient like we all do for Jesus and I don't dream often, but when I do lets just say as an old man going into my 50s I believe I know when its from the Lord - This was my dream.

    I entered your home and it was multidimensional that in each time you entered it was different, not like Honey I’m home, where's the newspaper, But like Honey I'm home where did you put the kitchen? Really cool though, its like it took you a lifetime to get this one room finished and there is so much more you wanted to build and show people. A lot Like the movie Inception with DiCaprio.

    I walked through some hallways and corridors and then into a room that can be best described as a living room or a sitting area, it was very comfortable with top décor. You were sitting and waiting for me there, when I walked over to you were very accommodating and confident, and then like a director who gives a preview, you pointed to an extremely long window, I think you said look and outside there was a hill that stretched as far as the eye could see, but what began coming over the hill can only be described in terms of a another movie (Transformers) little things like say an FM radio began to digitally transform into these techno color 3d works of creativity and art – there was hundreds of these??? coming over this hill.
    (I think they were Ideas)

    Then I met your daughter, she was many years older, maybe in her 20s I had a brief exchange with your wife and then woke up... Wow, I don't think I can remember having a dream that intense thanks for your obedience to God and thank you Lord for a break from all the stuff that goes on. I live for days like this!

    There is one more thing I want to share and then I will leave you to yours truly

    Your Grandfather silly little old man with his zany cap and red pompom,was a man ahead of his time a true entrepreneur, he had a big heart and a big dream to build something beautiful out of what he had available to him at that time, everyone remembers him as the old wind bag rummy face drunkard who gave us the treatment and treated nanny like a goat. But his idea of the 4 stars that he planed and worked for was his dream and it broke him when it fell through. He didn’t know God so he became bitter and resentful. Just imagine how different things could be if his idea became something. We may have been the sons of the father of the modern day mall. Just a thought... and then Garlic it is as big as coffee – he was one of the 1st to market it.

    Dad and his bros had hints of the same entrepreneur roots as well and Uncle Anthony The Comedian what can you do?

    So I don't know what your aspiration and hope is but be blessed in all you do and remember God is for you and not against you... So lets give thanks for a century of entrepreneurs.
