Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prophetic dream

Sunday morning I woke up after having a prophetic dream. I was in my house, and a battle was going on. A lizard which looked like a Komodo dragon was attacking a man. I understood that this was clearly a dragon, a picture of Satan. I went over to him and tried to pull it off him as it wrapped itself around him like a snake. Next it latched onto me, and started to wrap itself around me. Then we both understood that I was the dragon/snake's target all along. I also realized that if it bit me I would be in trouble.

At this I awoke. I appreciate your prayer that all this is averted!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, finally got a minute to read your blogs. Thankyou for posting them. You have interesting dreams. I will pray about this one and pray for your safety.
