Monday, September 28, 2009

Another dream

The other night I dreamed I was in a treasure store, full of gems and spectacular mineral specimens (don't forget, I collect minerals). The owner/manager of the store told me I should rescue as many as I could, because those I could not take would be destroyed. I started frantically gathering the "treasures" (he kept saying, "these are true treasures"), and woke up trying to figure out how I could rescue as many as possible.

Any thoughts on the meaning? I have some ideas.


  1. Perhaps the "treasures" are souls; we need to gather as many into the kingdom as possible before judgment comes.


  2. I believe that the gems and treasures are the lost souls in our area. Every human being is made in the likeness of God and therefore, very precious to Him. I believe that the dreams' use of something so highly valued (gems) is God's way of telling you how valued these souls are to Him. Jude 1:23 says we are to snatch them from the fire. I think the dream speaks to your heart for the lost. Cara
