Friday, May 14, 2010

Another dream

Today I had a dream which I think was prophetic. I walked into a post office, and there on the floor in front of me was a white #10 envelope. I picked it up. It was stuffed full of money, lots of big (100 and 50) bills, as well as small bills. It also had a passport and an airline ticket (I think). I thought "I need to look at the passport so I can return this." The name on the passport was William (the name of my father and also oldest brother). After seeing that, I felt that this somehow meant that I was being sent on a trip or mission by/representing my family. Then I awoke.

Any interpretations?


  1. Prosperity and open doors...awesome. When this dream is fulfilled you will say..."so this is what that dream meant". I am not a dream interpreter, so I will not even attempt to interpret.

  2. Hi pastor, i believe your dream was awesome! The post office is a place where you go to either send something or to receive something. The envelope and the money was a provision that is coming. The family name I believe is because you may be sent to visit someone from your family(probably on your father side of family) that needs salvation or maybe like you said, you will go represent your family to someplace to do something very important. Angela
