Thursday, May 20, 2010

My GPS made me do it

The other day a 17 year old driver in Manalapan caused a 4 car accident by making an illegal left turn on Rt. 33. His alibi?-"My GPS told me to turn left."

This does raise an interesting question- how much do you trust your GPS? How often do you "disobey" it? Would the "GPS defense" stand up in court? Are GPS devices a form of robot who are out to control and eradicate the human race?


  1. If it's God Positioning System I trust it completely.

    I disobey it all the time, depending on what I am trying to do and what i want it to do. Ask me about it.

  2. Robots. I vote for robots.

  3. Don't have a GPS and I definitely wouldn't obey it if I did. I tend to be very rebellious about people telling me where to go. Don't know if robots are trying to take over but I will say GPS's have the capacity to make us dumber. I come from a family whose second nature is to, what my dad would fondly refer to as, "reconnoiter". Which basically came to mean "let's turn onto this road and see where it brings us". A GPS would just spoil it. We had some great adventures doing that growing up.
