Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's day

While studying for my father's day message, I was struck by how few good fathers there are in the Bible.  Most of the greats of the faith- David, Solomon, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Samuel, etc., were
failures as fathers, though they were great men of God.  The only really good father we hear much about is Joseph.  I  joked with my wife that I should preach a message "Great Fathers of the Bible", which would last for maybe 5 minutes.

We need an updated book on how to be a great dad.  Though it is the most important thing we men do, we have no training in it.


  1. The bible doesn't say much at all about Joseph after Jesus stays behind in Jerusalem after he and Mary leave. Before that the only mention is when he was an infant and I think the last mention is when they return from Egypt.

    When you said this I was puzzled. Please elaborate.


    Steve A.

  2. The Bible really says little about Joseph. We have to assume that he was a great father, looking at how his son worked out. Also, I think he was specially chosen to be THE DAD because he was a great father.
    Most scholars think he was dead by the time of Jesus'death due to his absence from Scripture, and Jesus passing along responsibility for his mother to John (also, the average life expectancy was only about 35 back then).
