Thursday, June 10, 2010

God's will in dating

Sunday night I went out to the dinner after our worship night with a bunch of young adults. I haven't had so much fun in a long time just laughing!

When the food was served, I threw out a comment that provoked an hour of intense and often hysterically funny discussion. It was this- "does God have a perfect will for whom we should marry (which therefore we can miss) or can we choose anyone (or from a small pool of people)?" Since the young adults present were either single or recently married, they all had strong thoughts on this. Someone said that if you subscribe to the perfect will theory, if you do not choose the right person, your perfect will spouse also misses God's will! Another person wondered how second marriages fit into this whole scheme. But the group seemed to be divided half and half as to whether God has a specific person for us to wed.

Any thoughts- did/does God have a perfect will for you to marry?


  1. I personally that God knows we are going to marry, but it is up to us for us to make the decision. We should seek God's will on if we are making the right choice, and does the relationship line up with His word, will for our personal life, etc... But I am not in the camp that one person and one person only is our perfect will.

  2. I subscribe to Gary Thomas's (author) theory that maybe God doesn't intend for marriage to make us happy but to make us holy. Why? Because when times get tough, and there will be times, and you are in the God's perfect will for your spouse camp you will probably conclude that you missed God's will. I think God can make any couple the perfect couple if they have the desire and perservence to work it out. "In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will in order that we who are the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory." Eph 1:11-12 Amen? God is looking for opportunities for His glory to be displayed.

  3. It's me again. A very strong addendum...for those unmarrieds. Make sure they are believers! Trust me it is a whole lot easier that way. :-)

  4. Having been young and now being "older" I certainly have come to understand that "love" most times is a decision and a choice. When God created them male and female I have always found it interesting that he didn't add, "now find the ONE who you should pair up with. He simply said leave and cleave and learn to put the needs of your spouse before your own needs. I think it is not so much finding the perfect right one as it is more important to stay away from the wrong ones. Those of like faith can work it out - I did say WORK it out !! And the work is some of the beauty of the marriage - you learn how imperfect YOU are.
