Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jaskos party hard!

I have never felt so simultaneously old and young. Hanging around with college students and those in their early twenties brings back my days of college ministry at Princeton. Andrew and Christina’s church, Antioch, has created a great environment of community where people enjoy being with each other.

While I was there, my kids put together a party to “meet the original Jasko “(me!- not the original, but I guess it is a compliment). Andrew’s email warned people that “Jaskos party hard”, and that his dad had “lots of outrageous pastor jokes”! I felt like a curiosity, with the students checking me out (“what kind of person produced both Andrew and Christina?” and “What is a middle-aged pastor from pagan New Jersey like?”).

But it was fun- I ended up discussing predestination and inerrancy with a young guy Mike for at least half an hour. I miss the old college ministry days of community and great late discussions.


  1. Maybe you can join the circus... "Come see the amazing Jasko!"

  2. Haha, we had fun showing you off to our friends, Dad! Jaskos excel in partying.

