Monday, May 11, 2009

Prophetic dream- Jackson

Most friends know that God speaks to me through dreams frequently. I have had some pretty wild experiences-I saw my daughter before she was born, had a major angelic visitation recently, traveled back in time once, and a lot of other things which many would not find very reasonable, but are true. For the past several years, I have started writing my prophetic dreams down in a book. I wish I started doing this a long time ago.

The other night I had a clear prophetic dream- sometimes these things need interpretation. I was in Jackson, NJ, a town near by, in the center of town (wherever that is in the suburbs). Someone told me that there was a revival going on among Russians in Jackson (there is a large population of them in the town, replete with two Orthodox churches with gold domes). I went to the site of the revival, which were two homes on the edge of pine woods (of which there are also lots in Jackson). There were a LOT of people packed into the two houses studying the Bible and praying. The head of the NJ Assemblies of God, Carl Colletti, was teaching people, and was getting burnt out because there were a lot of people coming to the homes. He asked me to please help him.

It was pretty exciting! Keep your eye on the Russian population in Jackson.


  1. How do you really know that a dream is prophetic? The other night I had a dream that I was trapped in Indonesia after witnessing the government body bag hundreds of Christians that they shot down in a church. Should I be alarmed?
    BTW-I keep focusing on Carl Colletti asking you to help him.

  2. I dreamed of the future, of the New WOrld Order, after world war three. I was a member of the National Police, which was some kind of global police force, like the KGB. There was an organization of evangelical Christians in the United States that had from the begining stood against the new government, and despite their dwindiling membership had started quite a powerful propaganda campaign against the government. In the days before the war I had been a member of that church group, but I had a problem with some of the other members, they had been very mean to me and I hated them. We were assigned to take care of them, and so we gathered them all up and shot them.
