Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why did God create ticks?

Did God really create ticks, or are they corrupted by the fall? Why would God create such a disgusting creature?

Tuesday I prayer-walked Rt. 18 again. The last time I did this, I found a Blackberry Storm (see my very first post of 4-18-09). I was hopeful that I would find something else cool, but here's what happened. I had to cross the highway median, which is a fifty foot wide field of high uncut grass. This made me nervous, as we have lots of ticks in the woods and high grass in the back of our property. But I looked after over my clothes, and did not see any.

An hour later in my office, I found alarge ticks crawling on my head. In another hour, I found a second tick on my neck. After dinner the same night, my daughter saw another on my shirt. Now I felt like I was polluted, and there were probably many more crawling all over me. I was getting a little paranoid. But we haven't found more since.

But it does raise a hard theological question on where ticks come from. They are revolting, and just want to suck your blood. Did God really create them?


  1. It was millions and billions of years of evolution, obviously.

  2. That is yucky, I'd be paranoid too! Glad you got them off you.

  3. Same question about mosquitos. Love your blog, by the way.

  4. PK:

    Ticks and mosquitos are food for birds and bats. They need to eat, too.


  5. My son has Lymes Disease that is not responding to meds. He is 13 and blaming God for making ticks. It is hard to console him.

  6. Ticks fleas venomous spiders centipedes jellyfish tapeworms screw worm flies diseases mosquitoes assassin bugs scorpions etc are all horrible examples of Nature. The Candiru fish is another monstrosity. Whoever or whatever created these horrors is at least partly evil cruel malevolent or insane or mentally blind morally blind immoral amoral. If God created these cruelties then its a sick God. Perhaps the Devil or a demon created these horrors. No one knows.

  7. Ticks are just one example of Natural Evil or Physical Evil. Ticks suck blood and cause disease. Ticks arent even pretty. They are without any redeeming quality and exist solely to torment other animals and torment people to sustain their perverse nourishment. The Orange Baboon Tarantula of Africa is super aggressive and has an unimaginably painful bite. The pain has been described as having a hot iron on ones body or being set on fire. Nausea vomiting and muscle cramps are other symptoms. The Box Jellyfish the Stonefish the Weeverfish Stingrays the male Duckbill Platypus the Brazilian Wandering Spider the Sydney Funnel Web Spider the Black Widow Spider the Indian Ornamental Tarantula the Gila Monster the Gaboon Viper the Puff Adder the Scolopendra Centipedes the Pepsis Wasp the Bullet Ant etc etc all have agonizingly painful venoms. Pure torture. Some Scorpions also cause horrific pain and sickness. These are all horrible examples from the animal kingdom and horrible examples from Nature. The list is incomplete and many more examples could be listed. The Candiru catfish sustains its perverse nourishment by attacking the gills of other fish and by entering the urethra of unfortunate humans. Screw worm flies are another horrible disgusting monstrosity which inflicts suffering and death to both animals and people to sustain its perverse nourishment. In Africa diseases such as Ebola Malaria Yellowfever River Blindness Swine flu Sleeping Sickness Dengue fever etc continue to torture and kill both animals and people. A loving God cannot be the creator of these horrors. Nature has a cruel violent dangerous dark side. Its still not known why people and animals suffer so much. Is God to blame? Or is the Devil to blame? Perhaps Satan and demons have a hand in this. Evil cruel supernatural beings such as Satan or Angra-mainyu or Ahriman(the Devil of Zoroastrianism) maybe to blame for these Natural Evils. Its a mystery.

  8. Jehovah created this world...not the MOST HIGH GOD.
